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The world that went down

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A world that have going mad and fight is the only way to survival. Humanity have to find a way to end the war and get there world back, but what will it cost to do it.
You will follow Gin, cran and some others people from east base that he chooses to help to end this war and get the world back.

The war of lies

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Two lands and one of them are call uineny and the other nile, they are trying to find a secret that can help one of the to win this war.
so you follow kimmey on this to end this war for someone


Monster world


A world that the only way to survival against the monster is to run away or fight them.

you follow kyine and sine thought the world and all the mystery of the world and how the monster came there and see if they can get there world back of if they will get killed by the monsters

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The fighters

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You follow Nil and the group that call itself the fighters.

The Deliy empire that fight in a war that have been on going for 5 years against the Lileh empire.

In the Deliy empire the people have been told that the military have made  robot that they can control but what is really going on is that they have cast out a group of people to fight for them in this.  
But something much more is going on in this that nil and the others are going figure out.

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